Jaye Ink!





Creative Concepts


Illustration 🍔 Design 🌋 Creative Concepts 🥊

Jaye is a Libyan/American multi-disciplinary artist currently studying at Central Saint Martins. They primarily work with digital processes, often integrating painting, sculpture, and photography in a practice best described as experimental, exploratory, and adaptable.

Jaye's passion lies in capturing the essence of both people and food through their art. Jaye perceives food as an intimate art form in its own right, frequently integrating it into their work and using it as symbolism to convey emotion and delve into the realm of subconscious thoughts, akin to the language of dreams.

Their work typically centres around the concept of portraying isolation within whimsical environments, often focusing on themes of solitude and introspection, particularly in their portrait work.

Jaye often depicts subjects draped in jewellery, their faces decorated with piercings, and bodies adorned with tattoos. This stylistic choice connects to Jaye's Libyan heritage, which values the beauty of jewellery and ornamentation, and pays homage to North African traditions of face tattoos and body art, traditionally and uniquely specific to the women of that region and believed to protect them from otherworldly spirits. Beyond that, it reflects Jaye's profound appreciation for humanity's innate desire to personalize their surroundings, objects, and bodies, imbuing them with meaningful touches that reflect their individuality.